AEGIS 2008 Annual Assembly

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Godišnja skupština AEGIS inicijative
11. decembar 2008.
Biblioteka Instituta za fiziku
Institut za fiziku, Beograd
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

AEGIS 2008 Annual Assembly
11 December 2008
Library of the Institute of Physics Belgrade
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia




12:30 Dolazak učesnika
Coffee and registration
13:00 Otvaranje
Welcome addresses
Miroslav Vesković, Vice Minister, Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
13:10 Evropske perspektive razvoja grid eInfrastrukuture
European perspective on grid eInfrastrucuture developments


Aleksandar Belić, Institute of Physics Belgrade
13:30 Grid servisi prilagodjeni korisnicima i digitalni identitet istrazivaca
Services oriented towards grid users and researchers' digital identity


Branko Marović, Belgrade University Computing Center
13:45 Upotreba grid-a i LHC eksperiment u CERN-u
Grid computing and LHC experiments at CERN
Dusan Vudragović, Institute of Physics Belgrade
13:55 PROPEL (Asteroid proper elements)


Bojan Novaković, Astronomical Observatory Belgrade
14:05 PALESS (Parallel Analogue and Logic Electronic Simulation System)


Marko Dimitrijević, Laboratory for Electronic Design Automation
14:15 NMM and ensemble regional forecast on the grid


Luka Ilić, South Environment and Weather Agency
14:25 Discussion session, planning of future activities, and election of working groups Chairman: Zoran Jovanović, Belgrade University Computing Center
Conference lunch
End of Assembly

Photos from Assembly

Assembly Photo Gallery


  • Presentation template
    [PPT] [ZIP]


AEGIS Training for Site Administrators

Contact person

Aleksandar Belić
Associate Research Professor

Phone: +381 11 3713152
Fax: +381 11 3162190

Scientific Computing Laboratory
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia