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m (Convert (e)ps to png or gif)
m (Convert (e)ps to png or gif)
Line 67: Line 67:
  2. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 ${figdir}/${name}_large.gif  
  2. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 ${figdir}/${name}_large.gif  
  3. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 -resize 320x240 ${figdir}/${name}_large.gif
  3. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 -resize 320x240 ${figdir}/${name}_large.gif
  4. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 -gravity Southeast -font helvetica -pointsize 75 -draw "text 150,100 '$text'" ${figdir}/${name}_large.gif
  4. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 -gravity Southeast -font helvetica -pointsize 75 \
-draw "text 150,100 '$text'" ${figdir}/${name}_large.gif
1. Resulting image will be named as .eps and will end up at the same place.
1. Resulting image will be named as .eps and will end up at the same place.

Revision as of 10:06, 30 January 2013


Usefull short commands

Kill a process tree

When some script is started from a command line in a for-loop and a process tree is made, one should find the parent process and its PID and then simply kill it:

   $ pstree username -p 

Or if this tree is to long, one should grep the program (here:idl) with: $ pstree usrname -p | grep idl

   $ kill 19953  
   $ pstree username -p  

Change sth inside file

  sed -i s/'\-9999'/'NaN'/g filename 

This will change -9999 with NaN inside a file, without making some tmp file in between.

Print rotated picture

  lp -o media=a4 -o orientation-requested=4 -o fitplot

Print in fixed width format with awk

 echo $a $b $c |  awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf("%-20s ",$i);printf ("\n")}' > outfile.dat

where strings a,b,c may be entire lines.

Make a small size pdf out of several pdfs

 gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sOutputFile=MajorFile.pdf SmallFiles*.pdf 

Combined files can ba a mix of .pdf .ps and .eps files and output file can be a .ps also

Cut a portion of a pdf file saving resolution and sharpness

 gs -g2700x3500 -sOUTPUTFILE=output.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dBATCH -c "<< /PageOffset [-30 -120] >> setpagedevice" -f input.pdf

Where [-30 -120] means - shift the content of the old image to its left corner by (x,y)=(30,120) pixels (change the origin of the image) and 2700x3500 are the dimensions of the new image. Be careful - input.pdf should be a single page.

Make a series of single-page EPS files from various inputs

 gs -sDEVICE=epswrite -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sOutputFile=p%08d.eps 5page-first.pdf 1page-third.eps 

The resulting files will be nicely named as p00000001.eps .... p00000013.eps

Convert eps to jpg using native gs

 gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -q -dJPEGQ=100 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -r100 -sOutputFile=image.jpg image.eps # -r100 should be changed to -r50 for denser image 

Convert (e)ps to png or gif

name="imgName"; figdir="/home/..../Figures"; text="my image"
1. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 
2. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 ${figdir}/${name}_large.gif 
3. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 -resize 320x240 ${figdir}/${name}_large.gif
4. convert $ -depth 8 -alpha off -density 600 -gravity Southeast -font helvetica -pointsize 75 \ 
-draw "text 150,100 '$text'" ${figdir}/${name}_large.gif

1. Resulting image will be named as .eps and will end up at the same place.

2. Resulting image will be named imgName_large.gif and will be placed in \$figdir.

3. Additionally, image can be resized in the same step.

4. Put text into image

Resize image

 mogrify -trim -resize 70% image.jpg   # or -resize 800x600 for fixed width

Screen command

 screen -S name # name a screen
 screen -ls # list all screens (those named will be easily read)
 Ctrl+a+d # detach screen
 screen -r name # attach to a screen
 screen -S name -X quit # kill detached screen and return to a terminal

Some cool stuff

  • Very nice themes for Ubuntu 10.04
   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bisigi
   sudo aptitude update
   sudo aptitude install bisigi-themes
  • Convert youtube .flv to .mp3 (FORUM)
  sudo apt-get install youtube-dl
  sudo youtube-dl -U
  sudo youtube-dl -U
  sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-unstripped-52
  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras 
  # Example:
  ffmpeg -i Md7IhGYKncs.flv -acodec libmp3lame -ab 128 indiana.mp3
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