FUNCTION emission_lines, wave, flux, fluxivar, plot=plot ;gal='NGC2410_restframe.txt' & readcol, gal, F='(F,F,F)', wave, flux,fluxivar ; USING TO DETERMINE CONTINUUM ; To see how well emission is subtracted do ; out=emission_lines(wave,flux,fluxivar) ; plot,wave,flux,background='FFFFFF'x,col=255 ; oplot,wave,out,col='000000'x flux_out = flux n = n_elements(flux) ; List of gas emission lines in vacuum to be fitted by Gaussian and subtracted lines = [3203.15 ,3345.81 ,3425.81 ,3726.03 ,3728.73 ,3868.69 ,3889.05 ,3967.40 ,3970.07 ,4101.73 , $ ; Hg [OIII] HeII [ArIV] [ArIV] Hb [OIII] [OIII] ;[NI] [NI] sky HeI NaI NaI 4340.46, 4363.15 ,4685.74 ,4711.30 ,4740.10 ,4861.32 ,4958.83 ,5006.77 ,5197.90 ,5200.39 , 5577.0, 5875.60, 5890.0, 5896.0, $ ; [OI] [OI] [NII] Ha [NII] [SII] [SII] [ArIII] 6300.20, 6363.67 ,6547.96 ,6562.80 ,6583.34 ,6716.31 ,6730.68, 7135.67, $ ; from Appenzeller and Östreicher 1988 (AJ 95, 45) ; [OII] [OII] [FeXI] 7319.9, 7330.2, 7891.9, $ ; from Osterbrock (Table 3.12) ; [SIII] [SIII] [SIII] 8829.9, 9068.9, 9531.0] ilines = where(lines GE wave[0] AND lines LE wave[n-1], lcount) lines = lines[ilines] filter = 300 eps = 3e-3 ; gas emission lines inside spectrum for i=0,lcount-1 do begin ctrl = 1 center = (where(wave GE lines[i]))[0] ; print, 'center', wave[center] if (center LT filter/2) then cut = center-1 else $ if (center GT n-filter/2) then cut = n-1-center $ else cut = filter/2 ; llim = (center-filter GT 0) ? center-filter : 0 ; hlim = (center+filter LT n-1) ? center+filter : n-1 x = wave[center-cut:center+cut] y = flux[center-cut:center+cut] var = 1./fluxivar[center-cut:center+cut] fitcont, y, continuum=continuum, filter=cut, rms=rms if (i EQ 0) then tmplines=[x[cut],lines[1:*]] else if (i EQ lcount-1) then $ tmplines=[lines[0:lcount-2],x[cut]] else $ tmplines=[lines[0:i-1],x[cut],lines[i+1:*]] ;print, '3 x rms:',3*sqrt(total((continuum-y)^2)/(2*cut+1)) ;lower = where([alog(y[0:cut])/alog(y[1:cut])]-[(((x[0:cut]-x[cut])*1.d)/((x[1:cut]-x[cut])*1.d))^2] LE eps AND (y[0:cut] GT continuum[0:cut]),lowcount) ;lower = where([alog(y[0:cut]/y[1:cut])] LT 0 AND [alog(y[1:cut]/y[2:cut])] LT 0 AND abs([alog(y[0:cut]/y[1:cut])/alog(y[1:cut]/y[2:cut])]-[(((x[0:cut]-x[cut])*1.d)^2 - ((x[1:cut]-x[cut])*1.d)^2)/(((x[1:cut]-x[cut])*1.d)^2 - ((x[2:cut]-x[cut])*1.d)^2)]) LE eps,lowcount) lower = where(y[1:cut]-y[0:cut] GT 0 OR (y[0:cut] - continuum[0:cut] GT 0),lowcount) higher = where([y[cut:*]-y[cut+1:*]] GT 0 OR (y[cut:*] GT continuum[cut:*]),highcount) ltest = (where(y[0:cut] LE continuum[0:cut],ccc))[ccc-1] htest = (where(y[cut:*] LE continuum[cut:*]))[0] ;print, '============================================================' ;print, 'left',where(tmplines GT x[ltest] AND tmplines LT x[cut],nlines), x[0], x[ltest] ;print, 'right',where(tmplines GT x[cut] AND tmplines LT x[cut+htest],nlines),x[cut],x[cut+htest] lprevious = -1 & found = 0 & hprevious = -1 & ll = -1 & hh = -1 isThereLineL = where(tmplines GT x[ltest] AND tmplines LT x[cut],llines) isThereLineR = where(tmplines GT x[cut] AND tmplines LT x[cut+htest],rlines) if (llines NE 0) then leftlim=x[(where(x GE (tmplines[isThereLineL])[llines-1]))[0]] if (rlines NE 0) then rightlim=x[(where(x GE (tmplines[isThereLineR])[0]))[0]] for tt=0,cut-1 do begin ; if there is not another line until this one reaches the continuum ; then expand until the line crosses continuum if (llines EQ 0) then $ ; expand until continuum ltmp = (y[tt] - continuum[tt] GT 0) ? tt : -1 $ else $ ; stop since there is a line and the two are blended ltmp = ((y[1+tt] GT y[tt]) AND (y[tt] GT continuum[tt]) AND (x[tt] GE leftlim)) ? tt : -1 if (lprevious EQ -1 AND ltmp NE -1) then ll = ltmp ;print, tt, y[1+tt] - y[tt], y[tt]-continuum[tt],lprevious, ltmp, ll, nlines lprevious = ltmp if (rlines EQ 0) then $ ; expand until continuum htmp = (found EQ 0 AND (y[cut+tt] - continuum[cut+tt] GT 0)) ? tt : -1 $ else $ ; stop since there is a line and the two are blended htmp = ((found EQ 0) AND (y[cut+tt] - y[cut+1+tt] GT 0) AND (y[cut+tt] - continuum[cut+tt] GT 0) AND (x[cut+tt] LE rightlim)) ? tt : -1 if (htmp EQ -1 AND found EQ 0) then begin found = 1 if (tt EQ 0) then hh = htmp else hh = hprevious endif ;print, tt, y[cut+tt] - y[cut+1+tt], y[cut+tt] - continuum[cut+tt],hprevious, htmp, hh, found, nlines hprevious = htmp endfor if (hh EQ 0) then hh = 1 ; if the line is strongly blended ;print, '============================================================' ;print,'ll',ll ;print,'hh',hh ;higher = where([alog(y[cut:*])/alog(y[cut+1:*])]-[(((x[cut:*]-x[cut])*1.d)/((x[cut+1:*]-x[cut])*1.d))^2] GE eps AND (y[cut:*] GT continuum[cut:*]),highcount) ;higher = where([alog(y[cut:*]/y[cut+1:*])] GT 0 AND [alog(y[cut+1:*]/y[cut+2:*])] GT 0 AND abs([alog(y[cut:*]/y[cut+1:*])/alog(y[cut+1:*]/y[cut+2:*])]-[(((x[cut:*]-x[cut])*1.d)^2 - ((x[cut+1:*]-x[cut])*1.d)^2)/(((x[cut+1:*]-x[cut])*1.d)^2 - ((x[cut+2:*]-x[cut])*1.d)^2)]) LE eps,highcount) ;if (lower[0] NE -1 AND lowcount GT 1) then begin ; test = where(lower[1:*]-lower NE 1,cc) ; ll = (test[0] NE -1) ? (lower[test+1])[cc-1] : lower[0] ;print,'lower[test',lower[test+1] ;endif else ctrl=0 if (lower[0] EQ -1 OR lowcount LE 1) then ctrl = 0 ;print,'ll',ll ;if (higher[0] NE -1 AND highcount GT 1) then begin ; test = where(higher[1:*]-higher NE 1) ; hh = (test[0] NE -1) ? (higher[test-1])[0] : higher[n_elements(higher)-1] ;endif else ctrl=0 if (higher[0] EQ -1 AND highcount LE 1) then ctrl = 0 ;print,'higher',higher ;print,'ll',ll ;print,'hh',cut+hh ; ----- CTRL NE 0 ------ ; if there are enough points on both sides and the line is in emission if (ctrl NE 0 AND y[cut] GT continuum[cut]) then begin if (keyword_set(plot)) then begin print,i,' ---',lines[i];,' --',scount,' lines ----------------------' plot,x,y,background='FFFFFF'x,col='000000'x,charsize=1.5, psym=1,xrange=[x[cut-30],x[cut+30]] oplot,x,continuum,col='00FF00'x, thick=2 oplot, [[x[cut]],[x[cut]]],[[0],[y[cut]]],thick=2, line=3, col='000000'x oplot, x[lower], y[lower], col='FF0000'x, psym=2 oplot, [x[ll],x[ll]], [0,y[ll]], col='FF0000'x, psym=-2, thick=2 oplot, x[cut+higher], y[cut+higher], col='0000FF'x, psym=2 oplot, [x[cut+hh],x[cut+hh]], [0,y[cut+hh]], col='0000FF'x, psym=-2, thick=2 for kk=0, lcount-1 do $ oplot,[lines[kk],lines[kk]],[0,200], col='000000'x, line=4 endif ; Fit emission lines with Gaussians and subtract best-fit from spectrum xx = x[ll:hh+cut] yy = y[ll:hh+cut] err2 = var[ll:hh+cut] nn = n_elements(xx) nterms=4 & A=-1 tmpx = xx & tmpy = yy quasiRMS = continuum[cut]+3*median(y/continuum) ; Conditions: if (n_elements(tmpy) GT nterms AND tmpx[n_elements(tmpx)-1] NE wave[n-1]) AND $ ; 1) On the left and right from the center, flux should drop ;(y[cut]-y[cut-1] GE 0 AND y[cut] - y[cut+1] GE 0) AND $ ; 2) Center flux should be significantlly above the local continuum (y[cut] GT quasiRMS) AND $ ; 3) Center line must be inside ll AND hh+cut (x[cut] GT x[ll] AND x[cut] LT x[cut+hh]) then begin ; ------------ fit the line ---------------- expr = 'P[0] + GAUSS1(X, P[1:3])' if (i EQ 0) then begin mmin = min(tmpx) & mmax = (tmpx[where(tmpy EQ max(tmpy))]-mmin) + mmin endif else begin mmax = max(tmpx) & mmin = tmpx[where(tmpy EQ max(tmpy))] - (mmax - tmpx[where(tmpy EQ max(tmpy))]) endelse start = [median(continuum[ll:hh+cut])*1.D, .5D*(mmin+mmax), .5D*(mmax - mmin), .5D*(mmax-mmin)*max(tmpy)] ;gfit = gaussfit(tmpx,tmpy,coeffs,measure_errors=1/sqrt(err2),estimates=start,nterms=4,chisq=chisq) gfit = MPFITEXPR(expr,tmpx,tmpy,err2,start,yfit=yfit,perror=perror,BESTNORM=bestnorm,dof=dof,/quiet) ; if (keyword_set(plot)) then begin print, 'fitting the line ...', gfit oplot, tmpx, tmpy, col='FF00FF'x,thick=2 ;oplot, tmpx, gfit(0)+gauss1(tmpx, gfit(1:3)),col='FF00FF'x,thick=2 oplot, tmpx, tmpy - (-continuum[ll:hh+cut]+gfit(0)+gauss1(tmpx,gfit(1:3))),col='000000'x,thick=2 pause endif ;plot yy = tmpy - (-continuum[ll:hh+cut]+gfit(0)+gauss1(tmpx, gfit(1:3))) endif else yy = tmpy ;dont fit the line - too few params ;endfor ; END blending lines ---------------------- index = (indgen(2*cut+1)+center-cut)[ll:hh+cut] flux_out[min(index):max(index)] = yy endif ; ----- CTRL NE 0 ----- ;oplot, wave[index],flux[index], psym=-3, thick=2, col='000000'x endfor ; gas emission lines inside spectrum return, flux_out END